Using MimioConnect lessons with the MimioMobile App

Tracy Tishion's picture

Do teachers have to create their own lessons or can the mobile app be used with MimioConnect lessons that have already been created?


The easiest answer to your question is…YES! There are actually three modes available when using the MimioMobile app. In each mode, you can use MimioStudio lessons that you have created or those that have already been created and downloaded from MimioConnect.

MimioMobile gives you the option to Collaborate with any MimioStudio lesson. Using the Collaborate mode, you can ‘send’ a MimioStudio lesson to students with the MimioMobile app on their mobile devices. They’ll be able to interact with the lesson right on their device. Currently, you are limited to using the Collaborate mode with only nine student devices at a time. Mimio will be releasing an update to the software shortly which will allow unlimited students to collaborate on their devices.

Another mode is Assessment. You can use all of your classroom mobile devices for conducting assessments. Assessments can be delivered as open-response questions as well as traditional multiple choice/true-false.

The third mode you can use with the MimioMobile app is the Control mode. Using this mode, you can give individual student control one at a time of anything on your computer, including websites and any resources. Giving and taking back control are easily managed.

If you haven’t already checked out some of our training resources that are available, please find them at as well as checking out the many other tips and suggestions on MimioConnect's Ask a Master.

Question sender: 
Shelly T.

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