Items Tagged as "fantasy"


Subjects: Literacy, Literature, Reading, Vocabulary, Reading & Language Arts, Science
Language: English
Grade Level: Gr. K | Age 6, Gr. 1 | Age 7, Gr. 2 | Age 8, Gr. 3 | Age 9
Posted: Oct. 16, 2012   Posted by: bladd207
This file has interactive reading comprehension activities that include vocabulary, realism and fantasy,sequence, author's purpose, compare and contrasting in a venn, Onomatopoeia and much more. These activities can be modified for grades k-3.

Reality and Fantasy Fun with "If You Give a Pig a Pancake"

Subjects: Education, Reading, Vocabulary, Reading & Language Arts
Language: English
Grade Level: Gr. 1 | Age 7
Posted: Mar. 26, 2011   Posted by: gadouryb
This is a Mimio Vote lesson which requires students to decide if the prompt can happen in real life or not.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Jeopardy Game

Subjects: Literature, Reading, Reading & Language Arts
Language: English
Grade Level: Gr. 4 | Age 10, Gr. 5 | Age 11, Gr. 6 | Age 12
Posted: Jul. 3, 2010   Posted by: kelseycrippen
This Jeopardy style game will help students review the novel before a test.

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