Lesson Plans & Activities

Happy Birthday, Abraham Lincoln!

Total views: 20284

This lesson for first through fourth grades celebrates the life of Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America. A video introduction, followed by interactive pages with true/false, cause/effect and a fun flash review are included. February 12th is Lincoln's birthday- how will your class remember such a leader of our country?

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teepeesmommy Posted by: teepeesmommy Mimio Moderators Mimio Site Manager Mimio Certified Trainer

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This resource is just what I was looking for with a teacher new to Mimio Notebook presentation-making. She wanted this (almost exactly), but didn't know how to make it. I showed her to search Mimio Connect first and Voila! we found something perfect! Your work is gr8! Thank You!

  • Posted:
    Feb. 9, 2012
Posted by
Jody McCarty
Downloads: 203

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