Items Tagged as "economics"
Shopping for a Credit Card
This ink file allows the student to explore all the variables involved to make an informed decision when signing up for a credit card account. Li...
Global Eye: Global Issues
Onderwerpen: Geschiedenis en maatschappijleer
Taal: Engels
Groep: Groep 2 | 6-jarigen,
Groep 3 | 7-jarigen,
Groep 4 | 8-jarigen,
Groep 5,
Groep 6,
Groep 7,
Groep 8,
Tweede klas middelbare school,
Derde klas middelbare school,
Vierde klas middelbare school,
Vijfde klas middelbare school,
Zesde klas middelbare school
Gepubliceerd: Jun. 1, 2009
Gepubliceerd door:
Find interesting interactive material about global issues for both primary and secondary school levels.
Economics 3 + You
Introduce students to the importance of work and the need to protect people in the workplace.
In this "ThinkQuest," students are introduced to economics through fun and engaging exercises.